Sadly, in Alexander County
28% of our children, and 15% of our residents, have uncertain food access.
Your monetary or volunteer donation helps to provide approximately 1,000 meals per week.
Our Mission
Have you ever found yourself so busy that you missed a meal?
Perhaps you just didn't take the time to grab a quick bite to eat?
Imagine you were hungry, but didn't have any food?
Not missing a meal from forgetfulness, but you could not afford one.
There is a group of people that we rarely notice. But they're around us every single day: men, women, and children.
They are hungry and always thinking where they fill find their next meal.
Imagine sharing a hot bowl of soup, or a sandwich with someone in need.
Can you see what that would do for them?
This is the mission of the 957 Mobile Cafe.
The 957 refers to Luke 9:57 which says:
As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, "I will follow you wherever you go."
In our mission, the goal is simple:
However it will take people who truly care.
We no longer want to imagine helping people.
Instead we actually step out and do it.
Each week we hope to share free meals across the community via our mobile truck.
We no longer want to see the problem, but also be the solution.